First Quarter Test Review Problems

> (setf a '(a b c) b '(d e f))

> a  --> _________________                                    (A B C)

> 'a --> _________________                                    A

> (eval 'a) --> _________________                             (A B C)

> (eval a) --> _________________                              Error, cannot evaluate 
                                                               the expression (a b c)

> (setf c '(+ 1 2 3)) --> _________________                   (+ 1 2 3)

> (eval 'c) --> _________________                             (+ 1 2 3)

> (eval c) --> _________________                              6

> (cons 'a b) --> _________________                           (A D E F)

> (cons '(a) b) --> _________________                         ((A) D E F)

> (cons a b) --> _________________                            ((A B C) D E F)

> (append '(a) b c) --> _________________                     (A D E F + 1 2 3)

> (append 'a b c) --> _________________                       Error: A is not of type LIST.

> (append (eval c) b) --> _________________                   Error: 6 is not of type LIST.

> (append (eval 'c) b) --> _________________                  (+ 1 2 3 D E F)

> (append (list (eval c)) b) --> _________________            (6 D E F)

> (apply #'first ((q w r t))) --> ________________            Error: Need to quote 
                                                                 the list argument
> (apply #'first '((q w r t))) --> _________________          Q

> (list 'a b 'c) --> _________________                        (A (D E F) C)

> (list a b c) --> _________________                          ((A B C) (D E F) (+ 1 2 3))

> (apply #'append '((1 2 3) (4 5 6))) --> _________________   (1 2 3 4 5 6)

> (apply #'list '((1 2 3) (4 5 6))) --> _________________     ((1 2 3) (4 5 6))

> (apply #'+ '((1 2 3))) --> _________________                Error: + with (1 2 3)
                                                                as argument

> (apply #'+ '(1 2 3)) --> _________________                  6

> (mapcar #'first '((1 2 3) (a b c) (d e f))) --> ___________ (1 A D)

> (apply #'first '((1 2 3) (a b c) (d e f))) --> ____________ Error: first with 
                                                               (1 2 3) (A B C) (D E F)
                                                               has the wrong number of arguments.

> (apply #'first '((1 2 3))) --> _________________            1                        

> (mapcar #'list '(1 2 3)) --> _________________              ((1) (2) (3))

> (mapcar #'list '(a b c)) --> _________________              ((A) (B) (C))

> (mapcar #'list '((eval a) b c)) --> _________________       (((EVAL A)) (B) (C))

> (mapcar #'oddp '(1 2 3)) --> _________________              (T NIL T)

> (mapcar #'= '(1 2 3) '(3 2 1)) --> _________________        (NIL T NIL)

Association Lists and Lambda: (see p. 97)

(defun make-book (title author classification) (list (list 'title title) (list 'author author) (list 'classification classification))) (setf book-example (make-book '(Common Lisp) '(Guy Steele) '(Technical Lisp))) --> ((TITLE (COMMON LISP)) (AUTHOR (GUY STEELE)) (CLASSIFICATION (TECHNICAL LISP))) (defun book-author (book) (second (assoc 'author book))) > (book-author book-example) --> (GUY STEELE) > (setf books (list (make-book '(moby dick) '(herman melville) (fiction)) (make-book '(tom sawyer) '(mark twain) (fiction)) (make-book '(ai) '(patrick winston) (technical ai)))) >( ((TITLE (MOBY DICK)) (AUTHOR (HERMAN MELVILLE)) (CLASSIFICATION (FICTION))) ((TITLE (TOM SAWYER)) (AUTHOR (MARK TWAIN)) (CLASSIFICATION (FICTION))) (TITLE (AI)) (AUTHOR (PATRICK WINSTON)) (CLASSIFICATION (TECHNICAL AI))) ) > (mapcar #'book-author books) --> ___________________ ((HERMAN MELVILLE) (MARK TWAIN) (PATRICK WINSTON)) > (mapcar #'(lambda (book) (first (last (book-author book)))) books) --> _________________ (MELVILLE TWAIN WINSTON)


> (setf (get 'rambler 'isa) 'house) --> _________________ HOUSE > (setf (get 'colonial 'isa) 'house) --> _________________ HOUSE > (setf (get 'house 'hasa) 'windows) --> WINDOWS > (get 'house 'hasa) --> _________________ WINDOWS > (get 'rambler 'isa) --> _________________ HOUSE > (get 'rambler 'hasa) --> _________________ NIL > (setf (get 'house 'hasa) '(windows door pool)) (WINDOWS DOOR POOL) > (get 'house 'hasa) --> _________________ (WINDOWS DOOR POOL) > (remove 'a '(a b c a d a e)) --> _________________ (B C D E) > (setf (get 'house 'hasa) (remove 'pool (get 'house 'hasa))) > (get 'house 'hasa) --> _________________ (WINDOWS DOOR) > (defun putprop (object property-value property-type) --> _________________ ) (setf (get object property-type) property-value)


(defun mysteryStudy (x) (cond ((null x) nil) ((numberp (first x)) (cons (first x) (mysteryStudy (rest x)))) (T (mysteryStudy (rest x)))) > (mysteryStudy '(a 12 c 7)) --> _________________ (12 7) Tail recursive version 1: (defun mysteryStudy-Tail (x) (mysteryStudy-aux _____________)) --> x nil (defun mysteryStudy-aux (x ans) (cond ((null x) _______) --> ans ((numberp (first x)) _______________________________________________) (T _________________________________) --> (mysteryStudy-aux (rest x) (append ans (list (first x)))) --> (mysteryStudy-aux (rest x) ans))) OR USE &optional: (defun mysteryStudy-Tail (x &optional (ans nil)) (cond ((null x) ans) etc. No aux procedure is needed DOLIST VERSION: (defun mysteryStudy-Loop (x) (let ((ans nil)) (dolist (el x _____) --> ans (if ________________ --> (numberp el) ________________ --> (setf ans (append ans (list el))) ) ) ) ) Also try to write the same version using a general DO loop.


Practice Matching problem. Practice Matching problem - Answers.


There will be an A* search tracing question. Best first heuristic function f = h (for example, h is longitudinal distance) A* heuristic function f = g + h (for example, g is actual distance traveled so far from the START node, and h is 10*longitudinal distance)