Worksheet #8, 2nd Quarter
Linneus, Per 5
                                             Name ______________

1. Linneus (pronounced "lynn a us") is on /home/atlas1/ai/linneus.lsp
   The newer version is on /home/atlas1/ai/linneus2000.lsp

   NOTE: The newer version also needs match2000.lsp to be loaded.


2. Extend the LINNEUS program to handle has links.  
  "Has" is used to mean has as parts.

   Allowable inputs should include expressions such as:

        (DOG HAS SNOUT)  or  (A DOG HAS A SNOUT)

   which expresses the fact that a dog has a snout, and

        (DOG HAS LEG)  or    (A DOG HAS A LEG)

   which says a dog has (at least one) leg. Questions can be asked as: 

        (HAS DOG PAW)  or    (HAS A DOG A PAW)

   which asks "Does a dog have a paw?" or the equivalent.

3. Expressing inheritance and transitivity with ISA and HAS.  
   Using the rules:
   RULE I: If x is a member of y, and z has an x, then z has a y.

     (X isa Y) and (Z has X) implies (Z has Y) --> (HAS Z Y) is True

   RULE II: If x is a member of y, and y has a z, then x has a z.

     (X isa Y) and (Y has z) implies (X has Z) --> (HAS X Z) is True

   Examples:  For Rule I, if your data base contains:

        a house has a door     (HOUSE HAS DOOR) or (A HOUSE HAS A DOOR)
   and  a door is a portal     (A DOOR IS A PORTAL)
   then a house has a portal   (HAS A HOUSE A PORTAL) --> True
   is a true statement
   For Rule II, if your data base contains:
                          a dog is an animal     
                          an animal has a heart

   then the question -->  has a dog a heart
   is true.