An Overview of Lisp
(from Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming
by Peter Norvig)

1. Special forms for definitions: defun, defmacro, defvar, derparameter,
   defconstant, defstruct
2. Special forms for conditionals: cond, if, when, unless, case
3. Special forms for variables: setf, let, let*, lambda, push, pop, incf, decf
4. Functions and special forms for repetition (looping):
   dolist, dotimes, do, do*, loop, mapc, mapcar,
   some, every, find, reduce,
5. Other special forms: #', progn, trace, return
6. Macros: defmacro
7. List functions: see the table of list functions
8. Comparison of eq, eql, equal, equalp
9. Functions on sequences (arrays): nth, elt, aref, char, bit, sbit, svref
10. Functions for maintaining tables: association lists: assoc, rassoc
    Hash tables, property lists
11. Functions on trees: copy-tree, tree-equal
12. Functions on numbers: +, -, *, / etc.   See the table
13. Functions on sets: intersection, union, set-difference, member, subsetp,
14. Destructive function: nconc
15. Overview of data types: See the table
16. Input/Output: read, read-char, read-line, write, print, princ, prinl,
    with-open-file, format, terpri
17. Debugging tools: apropos, describe, inspect, documentation
    Timing tools: time
18. Evaluation: funcall, apply, eval
19. Returning multiple values: round

1.  Special forms for definitions  - used to introduce new global functions,
    macros, variables, and structures.

    (defun function-name (parameter...) "optional documentation" body...)
    (defmacro macro-name (parameter...) "optional documentation" body...)

    Three forms for introducing special variables.

    (defvar variable-name initial-value "optional documentation")
    (defparamter variable-name value "optional documentation")
    (defconstant variable-name value "optional documentation")

    All the def- forms define global objects.


    (defstruct structure-name "optional documentation" slot...)


    (defstruct name
             (middle nil)

     This automatically defines the constructor function make-name,
     the recognizer predicate name-p, and the accessor functions
     name-first, name-middle, and name-last

     Example creation of a name structure:
        (setf b (make-name :first 'Barney :last 'Rubble))

     >(name-first b)  => BARNEY
     >(name-middle b) => NIL
     >(name-last b) => RUBBLE
     >(name-p b) => T
     >(name-p 'Barney) => NIL
     >(setf (name-middle b) 'Q)
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2.  Special forms for Conditionals

      (cond  (test  result...)
             (test  result...)

   The tests usually involve a set of parenthesis; often the form
   of the cond looks like:

(cond ((test) result...) ((test) result...) ... ( t result...) ) The forms "when" and "unless" operate like a single cond clause. Both forms consist of a test followed by any number of expressions, which are evaluated if the test is true for "when" and if the test is false for "unless". The "and" form tests whether every one of a list of conditions is true, and "or" whether any is true. Both work left to right and stop as soon as the final result can be determined. Here's a table of equivalences: conditional if form cond form (when test a b c) (if test (progn a b c)) (cond (test a b c)) (unless test x y) (if (not test) (progn x y)) (cond (not test) x y) (and a b c) (if a (if b c)) (cond (a (cond (b c))) (or a b c) (if a a (if b b c)) (cond (a) (b) (c)) (case a (b c) (t x)) (if (eql a 'b) c x) (cond ((eql a 'b) c) (t x)) Back to Contents 3. Special forms for dealing with Variables and Places Lisp C (setf x 0) x = 0; (setf (aref A i j) 0) A[i,j] = 0; (setf (rest list) nil) list->next = nil; (setf (name-middle b) 'Q) b.middle = 'Q'; Let forms: (let ((variable value) ... ) body ) Example: (let ((x 40) (y (+ 1 1)) ) (+ x y) ) => 42 Lambda version: ((lambda (variable ...) body) ) ((lambda (x y) (+ x y) ) 40 ;;two parameters (+ 1 1) ) Let* - use when you want to use one of the newly introduced variables in a subsequent value computation. (let* ((x 6) (y (* x x)) ) (+ x y) ) => 42 Push and Pop (both change the list) (push x list) == (setf list (cons x list)) (pop list) == (let ((result (first list)) ) (setf list (rest list)) result ) Increment and decrement functions (incf x) == (incf x 1) == (setf x (+ x 1)) (decf x) == (decf x 1) == (setf x (- x 1)) Two examples, determining the winner: (defstruct player (score 0) (wins 0) ) (defun determine-winner (players) "Increment the WINS for the player with the highest score" (incf (player-wins (first (sort players #'> :key #'player-score))))) This is the same as: (defun determine-winner (players) "Increment the WINS for the player with the highes score" (let ((temp (first (sort players #'> :key #'player-score)))) (setf (player-wins temp) (+ (player-wins temp) 1)))) Back to Contents 4. Functions and Special Forms for Repetition (looping) dolist loop over elements of a list dotimes loop over successive integers do, do* general loop, sparse syntax loop general loop, verbose syntax mapc, mapcar loop over elements of lists(s) some, every loop over list until condition find, reduce, etc. more specific looping functions recursion general repetition DOLIST: (dolist (variable list optional-result) body... ) Example: (defun length1 (list) (let ((len 0)) (dolist (element list) (incf len)) len ;;Return len when "let" is done ) ) DOTIMES: (dotimes (variable number optional-result) body ... ) DO (a general loop construct) (do ((variable initial next) ... ) (exit-test result) body... ) Example: (defun length3 (list) (do ((len 0 (+ len 1)) (lst list (rest lst)) ) ((null lst) len) ) ) MAPCAR: (mapcar #'- '(1 2 3)) => (-1 -2 -3) (mapcar #'+ '(1 2) '(10 20)) => (11 22) (mapcar #'+ '(1 2) '(10 20) '(100 200)) => (111 222) Many functions accept keywords that allow the user to vary the test for comparing elements, or to only consider part of the sequence: (remove 1 '(1 2 3 2 1 0 -1)) => (2 3 2 0 -1) (remove 1 '(1 2 3 2 1 0 -1) :key #'abs) => (2 3 2 0) (remove 1 '(1 2 3 2 1 0 -1) :test #'< ) => (1 1 0 -1) (remove 1 '(1 2 3 2 1 0 -1) :start 4) => (1 2 3 2 0 -1) Some have corresponding functions ending in -if or -f-not that take a predicate rather than an element to match against: (remove-if #'oddp '(1 2 3 2 1 0 -1)) => (2 2 0) (remove-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 3 2 1 0 -1)) => (1 3 1 -1) (find-if #'evenp '(1 2 3 2 1 0 -1)) => 2 The following two tables assume these two values: (setf x '(a b c)) (setf y '(1 2 3)) (every #'oddp y) => nil test if every element satisfies the predicate (some #'oddp y) => t test if some element satisfies the predicate (mapcar #'- y) => (-1 -2 -3) apply function to each element and return result in a list (mapc #'print y) => prints 1 2 3 perform operation on each element This table lists functions that have -if and -if-not versions and also accept keyword arguments. (member 2 y) => (2 3) see if element is in list (count 'b x) => 1 count the number of matching elements (delete 1 y) => (2 3) omit matching elements (find 2 y) => 2 find first element that matches (position 'a x) => 0 find index of element in sequence (reduce #'+ y) => 6 apply function to successive elements (remove 2 y) => (1 3) like delete, but makes a new copy (substitute 4 2 y) => (1 4 3) replace elements with new ones Repetition through recursion Example: (defun length (lst) (if (null lst) 0 (+ 1 (length (rest lst))) ) ) Recursive view of a list: "a list is either the empty list or an element consed onto another list" Two basic views of a list: "list-as-sequence" non-recursive view "list-as-first-and-rest" recursive view One view is not necessarily better than the other. Recursive functions can be inefficient if the compiler must allocate memory for each recursive call (backtracking). Tail recursion is more efficient: (defun length (lst) (length-aux lst 0)) (defun length-aux (sublist len-so-far) (if (null sublist) len-so-far (length-aux (rest sublist) (+ 1 len-so-far))) ) Back to Contents 5. Other Special forms: #', PROGN, TRACE, RETURN #'f == (function f) (progn (setf x 0) (setf x (+ x 1)) x ) => 1 PROGN is the equivalent of a begin..end block in other languages, but used INFREQUENTLY in Lisp. Programs written in a functional style never need a sequence of actions, because they don't have side-effects. (trace length) traces the function length. (untrace length) turns off the trace. Back to Contents 6. Macros: DEFMACRO (defmacro while (test &rest body) "Repeat body while test is true" `(loop (unless ,test (return nil)) ,@body)) The backquote character inidicates that what follows is mostly a literal expression, but may contain some components that are to be evaluated. Anything marked with a leading "," is evaluated and inserted into the structure. Anything marked with a ",@" must evaluate to a list that is spliced into the structure: each element of the list is inserted, without the top-level parenthesis. Examples of backquote: (setf test1 '(a test)) => (A TEST) `(this is ,test1) => (THIS IS (A TEST)) `(this is ,@test1) => (THIS IS A TEST) `(this is .,test1) => (THIS IS A TEST) `(this is ,@test1 -- this is only ,@test1) => (THIS IS A TEST -- THIS IS ONLY A TEST) At the end of a list, the ., has the same effect as ,@ Back to Contents 7. Functions as Lists Assume the following assignments:

(setf x '(a b c))

(setf y '(1 2 3))

A table of list functions: (first x) x=> a first element of a list (second x) => b second element of a list (third x) => c third element (nth 0 x) => a nth element of a list, 0 based (rest x) => (b c) all but the first element (car x) => a (cdr x) => (b c) (last x) => (c) last cons cell in a list (length x) => 3 (reverse x) => (c b a) (cons 0 y) => (0 1 2 3) add to front of list (append x y) => (a b c 1 2 3) append together elements (list x y) => ((a b c) (1 2 3)) make a new list (list* 1 2 x) => (1 2 a b c) append last argument to others (null nil) => T predicate is true of an empty list (null x) => NIL ...and false for everything else (listp x) => T predicate is true of a list including nil (listp 3) => NIL ...false for nonlists (consp x) => T predicate is true for non-nil lists (equal x x) => T true for lists that look the same (equal x y) => NIL (sort y #'>) => (3 2 1) sort a list according to a comparison (subseq x 1 2) => (B) sub-sequence with given start and end points (cons 'a 'b) => a.b dotted pair, single cons cell Back to Contents 8. Comparison of EQ, EQL, EQUAL, EQUALP eq tests for the exact same object eql tests for objects that are either eq or are equivalent numbers equalp is like equal except it also matches upper and lower case letters and numbers of different types x y eq eql equal equalp 'x 'x T T T T '0 '0 ? T T T ? - Depends on implementation '(x) '(x) nil nil T T '"xy" '"xy" nil nil T T '"Xy" '"xY" nil nil nil T '0 '0.0 nil nil nil T '0 '1 nil nil nil nil = , tree-equal, char-equal, and string-equal These are specialized predicates that compare numbers, trees, characters, and strings Back to Contents 9. Functions on sequences NTH, ELT, AREF, CHAR, BIT, SBIT, SVREF (nth n list) (elt sequence n) (aref array n) (char string n) (bit bitvector n) (sbit simple-bitvector n) (svbit simple-vector n) Back to Contents 10. Functions for maintaining tables Association List: a list of dotted pairs, where each pair consists of a key and a value. Together, the list of pairs form a table. Given a key, we can retrieve the corresponding value from the table, or verify that there is no such key stored in the table. Example: (setf state-table '((AL . Alabama) (AK . Alaska) (AZ . Arizona) (AR . Arkansas))) (assoc 'AK state-table) => (AK . ALASKA) (cdr (assoc 'AK state-table)) => ALASKA (assoc 'TX state-table) => NIL RASSOC is used to search a table for a value rather than by key (rassoc 'Arizona table) => (AZ . ARIZONA) (car (rassoc 'Arizona table)) => AZ HASH TABLES: (setf table (make-hash-table)) (setf (get-hash 'AL table) 'Alabama) (setf (get-hash 'AK table) 'Alaska) (setf (get-hash 'AZ table) 'Arizona) (setf (get-hash 'AR table) 'Arkansas) To retrieve values: (gethash 'AK table) => ALASKA (gethash 'TX table) => NIL PROPERTY LISTS: a property list is a list of alternating key/value pairs a-list: ((key . value) (key . value) ...) p-list: ((key value key value ...) (setf (get 'AL state) 'Alabama) (setf (get 'AK state) 'Alaska) (setf (get 'AZ state) 'Arizona) (setf (get 'AR state) 'Arkansas) To retrieve values: (get 'AK 'state) => ALASKA (get 'TX 'state) => NIL Back to Contents 11. Functions on Trees A list with 3 elements or a tree with 5 non-null leaves ((a b) ((c)) (d e)) COPY-TREE creates a copy of a tree, and TREE-EQUAL tests if two trees are equal by traversing cons cells. (setf tree '((a b) ((c)) (d e))) (tree-equal tree (copy-tree tree)) => T Back to Contents 12. Functions on Numbers (+ 4 2) (- 4 2) (* 4 2) (/ 4 2) (> 100 99) (= 100 100) (< 99 100) (random 100) => 42 random number from 0 to 99 (expt 4 2) => 16 (sin pi) => 0 (asin 0) =>0.0 (min 2 3 4) => 2 (also max) (abs -3) (sqrt 4) (round 4.1) => 4 also truncate, floor, ceiling (rem 11 5) remainder, also mod

Back to Contents 13. Functions on Sets (setf r '(a b c d)) (setf s '(c d e)) (intersection r s) => (c d) (union r s) => (a b c d e) (set-difference r s) => (a b) (member 'd r) => (d) (subsetp s r) => NIL (adjoin 'b s) => (b c d e) (adjoin 'c s) => (c d e) don't add duplicates lists integers bit vectors intersection logand bit-and union logior bit-ior set-difference logandc2 bit-andc2 member logbitp bit length logcount (bit-and #*11110 #*11001) => #*11000 (logand #b11110 #b11001) => 24 #b11000 Back to Contents 14. Destructive function NCONC (setf x '(a b c))

(setf y '(1 2 3))

(nconc x y) => (A B C 1 2 3)

x => (A B C 1 2 3)

y => (1 2 3) Back to Contents 15. Overview of Data Types character #\c number 42 float 3.14159 integer 42 fixnum bignum function #'sin symbol sin null nil keyword :key sequence (a b c) sequences include lists and vectors list (a b c) a list is either cons or null vector #(a b c) cons (a b c) a cons is a non nil list atom t anything that is not a cons string "abc" array #1A(a b c) structure #S(type ...) structures are defined by defstruct hash-table hash tables are created by make-hash-table Almost every data type has a recognizer predicate TYPE-OF (type-of 123) => FIXNUM TYPEP (typep 123 'fixnum) => T (typep 123 'number) => T SUBTYPE (subtype 'fixnum 'number) => T Specialized data types: Type Example Explanation t 42 Every object is of type t nil No object is of type nil complex #C(0 1) Imaginary numbers bit 0 0 or 1 rational 2/3 Integers and ratios ratio 2/3 simple-array #1A(x y) readtable package pathname stream random-state Back to Contents 16. Input/Output read, read-char, read-line print, princ (doesn't print the quotes) prinl prints without the newline and space write with-open-file format terpri terminate print line Example: (with-open-file (stream "test.text" :direction :output) (print '(hello there) stream) (princ 'goodbye stream)) GOODBYE ; and creates the file test.text (with-open-file (stream "test.text" :direction :input) (list (read stream) (read-char stream) (read stream) (read stream nil 'eof))) ((HELLO THERE) #\G OODBYE EOF (format t "hello world) hello world NIL (format t "~&~a plus ~s is ~f" "two" "two" 4) two plus "two" is 4.0 NIL ~& means move to a new line ~a means print the arguments as princ would ~s means print the arguments as prinl would ~f means print the number in floating point format format returns nil (let ((numbers '(1 2 3 4))) (format t "~&~{~r~^ plus ~} is ~@r" numbers (apply #'+ numbers))) one plus two plus three plus four plus five is XV ~r prints the next argument, which should be a number, in English ~@r prints the number as a roman numeral ~{...~} takes the next argument, which must be a list, and formats each element of the list according to the format string inside the braces. ~^ exits from the enclosing ~{ ...~} Back to Contents 17. Debugging tools (step expression) apropos, describe, inspect, documentation (apropos 'string) MAKE-STRING ... (assert test-form (place...) format-ctl-string format-arg...) Timing tools (defun f (n) (dotimes (i n) nil)) (time (f 100000)) Back to Contents 18. Evaluation funcall - apply a function to individual arguments apply - apply a function to a list of arguments eval - passed a single argument, which should be a complete form Back to Contents 19. Multiple values - round (round 5.1) => 5 .1 returns two values Back to Contents