Summaries of Selected Chapters in Winston/Horn Lisp text

  1. Chapter 2
  2. Chapter 3, Defun, Let and Let*.
  3. Chapter 4, Predicates, If, Cond.
  4. Chapter 5 #1 Recursion examples #1.
  5. Chapter 5 #2 Recursion examples #2.
  6. Optional Parameters, p. 83 Chap. 5.
  7. Mapcar, Apply, Function #', Lambda, Mappend examples, Chap 6, p. 104.
  8. Property Lists.
  9. Examples of loops in Lisp: DO, DOLIST, DOTIMES, LOOP.
    Also examples of the grouping statements PROG1 AND PROGN.
  10. Best First and A* searches.