Computer Systems Lab
Collaboration and Distance Learning Ideas 2003

Parallel Programming, Part 2
MPI/Parallel Programming and High Performance Computing Assignments, Part 2
Choose 4 of the following labs:
  1. Parallel Mandelbrot - uses MPE graphics
  2. Divide and Conquer with "Scatter" - collapsing integers
  3. Holliman's Parallel Puzzlers:
    - Computing the Permanent of a Square Matrix
    - Sorting a List through a Heap Merge - a O(nlogk) algorithm
    - The Caravan Problem
    - Euclidean Travelling Salesman Problem
  4. Problems from "Parallel Programming" by B. Wilkerson - see handouts for more info
  5. Parallel Computer Vision - uses PGM image files
  6. C Help Files - Sample Programs
  • Using Graphics in MPI: the MPE Graphics Library for MPI