Introduction to Supercomputer Applications
Grading 2nd Quarter Fall 2003

  • MPI Resources and Sample Programs
  • C Help Files - Sample Programs
  • Use of the Cray SV1 - resources, and Benchmarking programs for the Cray

  • 2nd Quarter MPI/Parallel Programming and High Performance Computing Assignments
    1. Proj. 5, MPI Program Lab03, IntervalSlicing.c - Calculate Pi, DUE Fri. Nov. 14, 2003
      --parallelize the program "gregory.c"
      Use MPI_Reduce() to sum data that is local to each process
    2. Proj. 6, Lab04 Divide and Conquer with "Scatter" - collapsing integers
      DUE Wed. Nov. 26, 2003
    3. Proj. 7, Lab05 Parallel Mandelbrot - uses MPE graphics
      DUE Fri. Dec. 12, 2003
      Using Graphics in MPI: the MPE Graphics Library for MPI
    4. Proj. 8a,b,c: Choose 3 programs from the following:
      DUE Mon. Dec. 21, 2003
    5. Proj. 9 Benchmark a program(s) on the Cray, Transformers, Elements
      DUE Mon. Dec. 21, 2003
      • Sample matrix program to run: matStarter.c
      • Write and test a program to multiply two matrices
      • Time some of your parallel programs with the Cray. See if there is
      • Benchmarking programs for the Cray SV1
      • Computational Modeling programs
    6. Final Projects, Proj. 10, 11 Choose 2 of the following labs - DUE Wed. Jan. 28, 2003
      These are more advanced computationally intensive programming applications,
      1. Holliman's Parallel Puzzlers:
        - Computing the Permanent of a Square Matrix
        - Sorting a List through a Heap Merge - a O(nlogk) algorithm
        - The Caravan Problem
        - Euclidean Travelling Salesman Problem
      2. Introduction to Parallel Computing - Online Course,
        Course home page, UNC Charlotte Parallel Programming Group - Wilkenson and Allen
        For example:
      3. Concurrent Wave Equation - Cornell Theory Center
      4. Sharks and Fishes - Parallel Cellular Automata (from Univ. of Nevada, CS 732)
      5. Class Projects from CS 732, Spr 2002, Univ. Nevada, Reno (, CS 732-Theory of Parallel and Distributed Processing
      6. Projects from CS 635 Foundations of Parallel Computing, GMU Fall 2002
      7. Designing and Building Parallel Programs, by Ian Foster
      8. Learn to use "Ray tracing" techniques for graphics realism
        --Write a POV-Ray program
      9. Using the TJ "Cluster": "Forking" processes on our Cluster
        Help for using the Cluster (the bank of computers in the Supercomputer room): Fork program samples:
      10. Move on to MORE Parallel Programming Applications - Choose 1 or hopefully 2 from this group: