Computer Systems Research
Poster Check
3-Panel Posters due January 19, 2004

  • Summary of necessary elements:
    Poster Checklist:
    1. ___ Title
    2. ___ Abstract and/or Introductory section(s)
    3. ___ Background and Development sections
    4. ___ Visual(s): Diagram, chart
      Visual representation/description of your project
    5. ___ Meaningful subtitles for each section of your poster
    6. ___ Layout of your poster
    7. Posterboard - Pick up a 3-panel posterboard in the science and tech. office
      • There are Gluesticks. Do not assemble with tape.
      • Make all cuts with the paper cutter.
        Do not cut with scissors, the lines won't be straight.
      • Put "borders" around each cutout section -
        this is done with a larger cutout set behind