Project Ideas: Supercomputer Applications
Spring 2004

  • MPI Resources and Sample Programs
  • C Help Files - Sample Programs
  • Use of the Cray SV1 - resources, and Benchmarking programs for the Cray

    Project Ideas

    1. Learn to use "Ray tracing" techniques for graphics realism
      --Write a POV-Ray program
      • NOTE THIS CHANGE TO THE POV-RAY command line:
        "x-povray ..." is changed to: "povray ..."
      • See Getting Started with POV-Ray
      • Animation with POV-Ray: write an animated sequence using POV-Ray
      • Try to utilize parallel programming and MPI to run an animated POV-Ray sequence of images

    2. 3D OpenGL program

    3. Proj. 6 Divide and Conquer with "Scatter" - collapsing integers

    4. Proj. 7 Parallel Mandelbrot - uses MPE graphics
      Using Graphics in MPI: the MPE Graphics Library for MPI
      - MPE Graphics won't work on the Cray, only on our workstations with MPICH

    5. Proj. 8a,b,c: Choose 3 programs from the following:

    6. Sharks and Fishes - Parallel Cellular Automata (from Univ. of Nevada, CS 732)

    7. Class Projects from CS 732, Spr 2002, Univ. Nevada, Reno (, CS 732-Theory of Parallel and Distributed Processing

    8. Concurrent Wave Equation - Cornell Theory Center

    9. Designing and Building Parallel Programs, by Ian Foster