Scheme and Smalltalk - Programming Exercises April 6 Program in Scheme: 1. Given a list, return a list with its 2nd element deleted. 2.Given a list, return a list with its nth element deleted. Program in Smalltalk 3. Given an integer i and a list L, cycle L to the left i times. 4. Duplicate each element of a list. Gnu Smalltalk versions for 1 and 2 ! Object methodsFor: 'algorithms' ! delete2nd ^((OrderedCollection with: self first), (self copyFrom: 3 )). ! deleteNth: lis (lis size = 0) ifTrue: [ ^lis] ifFalse: [ (self = 0) ifTrue: [ ^(lis copyFrom: 2)] ifFalse: [ " Use Transcript lines for debugging... Transcript show: 'n= ', self printString, ' temp= ', lis printString;cr. " ^((OrderedCollection with: (lis first)), ((self - 1) deleteNth: (lis copyFrom: 2 ))). ]. ]. !! Sample runs: st> FileStream fileIn: ''! FileStream st> #(3 4 5 6 7) delete2nd printNl! OrderedCollection (3 5 6 7 ) st> (4 deleteNth: #(2 3 4 5 6 76)) printNl! n= 4 temp= (2 3 4 5 6 76 ) n= 3 temp= (3 4 5 6 76 ) n= 2 temp= (4 5 6 76 ) n= 1 temp= (5 6 76 ) OrderedCollection (2 3 4 5 76 ) Scheme versions of 3 and 4. (define (duplicate lis) (cond ((null? lis) lis) (else (cons (car lis) (cons (car lis) (duplicate (cdr lis))))))) (define (cycle lis n) (cond ((= n 0) lis) (else (cycle (append (cdr lis) (list (car lis))) (- n 1))))) Sample Runs: > (duplicate '(2 3 4 5 6 7 78)) (2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 78 78) > (cycle '(2 3 4 5 56 6 7) 4) (56 6 7 2 3 4 5) Squeak Smalltalk versions of 1 and 2: ! Object methodsFor: 'algorithms' ! delete2nd ^((OrderedCollection with: self first), (self copyFrom: 3 to: self size)). ! deleteNth: lis (lis size = 0) ifTrue: [ ^lis] ifFalse: [ (self = 0) ifTrue: [ ^(lis copyFrom: 2 to: (lis size))] ifFalse: [ Transcript show: 'n= ', self printString, ' temp= ', temp printString;cr. ^((OrderedCollection with: (lis first)), (self-1 deleteNth: (lis copyFrom: 2 to: lis size))). ]. ]. ! Note: for the cdr of a list, Squeak also has lis allButFirst In the examples above I'm using lis copyFrom: to: