Research Reading and Writing Your Paper, 3rd Quarter

  • Your name: __________________________________, Period: _____

  • Date of this research and writing report: _________________
    1. Read one of the following papers from your area of research:

      I'm using the first paper in the list as an example model research paper.

    2. This paper's Abstract ( an example summary from Control of Complex, Physically Simulated Robot Groups):
      • Motivation for the paper: Coordinated groups of actual robots are providing means to accomplish complex tasks, adapt to changing environments, and survive individual failures. In this paper, groups of computer simulated robots are used. Computer simulation introduces the concern about computationally intensive algorithms. This paper investigates heuristics, search strategies, and other optimization techniques that can be found for computer simulated motion.
      • Comparing the writing of your paper and the example paper you've picked.
           Use two or three sentences to describe the example paper you've picked and your paper.
           Title of example paper: ________________________________________________
           Summary of the abstract (two or three sentences):
        Title of your paper: ___________________________________________________

        Your abstract:


      Next provide a description of how the author in the model paper you've picked writes the Introduction. My questions for #3 below are based on the first paper in the list above. If you're using another paper, make up analogous questions and points to describe.

    3. Introduction of the example paper (see link above):
      • Characters in a virtual environment must have a variety of complex behaviors. This paper is investigating dynamic simulation to generate motion.
      • Methods for achieving animation are keyframing, motion capture, or dynamic simulation.
             In the introduction, the author of the example paper expands on the theme of his paper.  
             He introduces terms that for the subject of his paper: animated characters, motion - 
             keyframing, motion capture, and dynamic simulation.
             Highlight terms and concepts central to your paper.
        For a comparison with your paper, paste in your Introduction section.

      Next study how the author in the model paper you've picked writes the Background section. I'm using the first paper in the list above as my example. Compare your writing of your Background section(s).

    4. Background
      • The author of this example paper highlights in the Background section concepts used in his analysis - herding, flocking, and schooling behaviors, stable formations formed by simulated robots, group formation navigation, and the distance between the virtual structure and the goal position. He describes research previously done in these areas.
           Highlight the terms and concepts that are serving as a background for your project. 
           Can you reference names of researchers too?
        Paste in your Background section(s):

      Next provide a description of how the author in the model paper you've picked writes the Development section(s) - those writing about the actual work and researh done for the project. My questions for #5 and #6 below are based on the first paper in the list above. If you're using another paper, make up analogous questions and points to describe the development work written about in the model paper. If you are using another paper GO TO #7 and write descriptions as detailed as #5 and #6.

    5. Development section(s) - Bicycle Simulation Locomotion Controller
      • Three components to the bicyclists: physical simulation, locomotion controller, and navigation controller.
      • The physical simulation is defined by equations of motion. The author formulates these using a commercially available package.
      • The locomotion controller computes how to actuate the joints to move at a specified velocity.
      • What are mobility constraints?
      • The human riders are modeled by a 15-segment model and rotary joints with 22 degrees of freedom.
      • How does the author model differently knee joints versus wrist and shoulder joints?
      • Volume, mass, center of mass, moments of inertia, and distance between the joints are calculated from a polygonal representation of the human body.
      • How is Table 3 in the Appendix used here?
      • What is the purpose of Figure 3?
      • Figure 5 illustrates what?
      • The navigation controller adjusts the facing direction and speed of the bicycle. The simulated human rider controls the facing direction and speed of the bicycle by applying forces to the handlebars with the hands and to the pedals with the feet.
      • The first formula seen is for torque. How is this formula applied?
      • How is equation (4) applied in this model?

    6. Development section 4 - Navigation Controller
      • Section 3 described how the simulated characters generated physically accurate movements. Section 4 describes the Navigation Controller, which specifies a character's desired velocity.
      • What causes the human and alien bicyclists to have dissimilar mobility constraints?
      • What is the purpose of Figure 6?
      • What is the purpose of this program's perception algorithm?
      • What does Section 4.2 cover? How is herding an issue?
      • Table 1 shows simulated annealing experiment data. What is the purpose of using simulated annealing in this program?

      If you've chosen another paper to serve as a model, give detailed descriptions similar to questions 5 and 6 above when answering #7. If you've used the first paper and have answered 5 and 6, skip to #8

    7. Highlight the concepts developed in the paper you have chosen to review.

      Paste in examples or complete sections that you've written for your project.

    8. Your development section(s): Highlight the themes, terms, and concepts that you are expanding upon in your paper.
      Paste in or attach the text to your development section.

      Now summarize the results the author(s) has reached in the model paper you've selected.

    9. Section 5 - Results and Discussion
      • What results does the author describe, and what does he look forward to in future work?

      Discuss in some detail results you may use in your paper

    10. Highlight what the discussion of your results will cover?

    11. Paste in the end section (or any end sections you currently have) of your paper. (results, conclusions, discussion)