Fall/Spring 2005 - 2006

GOALS: The student in Computer Systems Research will

DESCRIPTION: With the extensive research software resources available in the
Computer Systems Lab, each student will have an opportunity to explore
both theoretical and applied computer science topics.
Students will be encouraged to:

One credit in Technology Research, such as this course in
Computer Systems Research, is required for graduation from TJHSST.

GRADING: The student's grade will be determined quarterly by performance
on their research project portfolio.

Each student is expected to maintain adequate records to
support research efforts.

Grades will be computed on a percentage basis, and the resulting percentage will
yield the letter grade for the term. The grading scale is that approved by
Fairfax County Public Schools:

A 94% - 100%
B+ 90% - 93%
B 84% - 89%
C 74% - 79%
C+ 80% - 83%
D 64% - 69%
D+ 70% - 73%

At the end of the course, the final mark will be computed using an average
based on the various quarter grades earned, as well as the required research paper.

ATTENDANCE: In accordance with TJ's policy, 3 unexecused absences results in an F for the quarter.
Also, 3 unexcused tardies to class = 1 unexcused absence.