2005 - 2006 - Project Testing Summary 1, 1st Period, 3rd Quarter

Testing Summary 1 - March 14 2006 3.14 PI day
Exterior Functionality
(User point of view)
Engineering - interior
(Programmer's point of view)
Adaptability -
(Future, plans for maintainability)
C. Albert test: test: test:
S. Colyer Having the user control console; start and stop connections Test connection of numerous agents; both good agents and "trouble" agents Use of common libraries, global variables, encompassing methods.
A. Deason test: test: test:
E. Harmon test: test: test:
A. Herbst test: test: test:
A. Lederer test: test: test:
A. Pareja-Lecaros test: test: test:
J. Park test: test: test:
B. Rau-Jacobs User response (be more specific?) Code style (be more specific?) Conventions (be more specific?)