Running Version #2 of Your Program 4th Quarter 2006-07

  1. Your name: __________________________________, Period: _____

  2. Date of this version of your program: ______________

  3. Project title: _______________________________

  4. Describe specifically what files are needed and the command(s) necessary to run your program
        How to run your demo:
  5. Your program is running, now what? List test input(s) for the user to interact with your program. Specifically what should the user expect to happen?
          Program's expected response(s):
  6. What about user input errors? Are there incorrect user input(s) that your program handles?
  7. What is the programming doing, demonstrating, or analyzing? What is the user looking for in order to understand what you've been studying and developing with this project?
  8. Describe how you're evaluating your research program and the types of testing you're doing now at the beginning of fourth quarter.

  9. By the end of this school year, what do you hope to have as a final version of your program in relation to this current version? What will you demonstrate during your final presentation?