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Project Description (also sometimes called Project Abstract)

Student: Edward Delacruz

Firm: U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center (TEC) (only necessary for mentorship projects)

Mentor: Mr. Thomas Jorgensen (only necessary for mentorship projects)

Title: Development of Three-Dimensional Terrain and Visualization Software


The primary purpose of TEC is to research and develop topographic techniques and equipment to aid soldiers in the field. The creation of terrain visualization software allows the commander to view realistic three-dimensional representations of probable battlefields. An area of "flying" over the terrain. Both dynamic and static three-dimensional models of land vehicles and aircraft can be inserted into this virtual environment to give a realistic feel to the region. Because the current system only allows for the display of actual elevation data gathered by traditional methods, the objective of the project is to develop a software program which did not rely on existing digital topographic data, but would allow the user to construct the terrain.


Construction of a user-defined terrain requires some sort of interface that would translate human terminology for land features into numerical data. The computer uses a Digital Elevation Matrix (DEM), a two-dimensional array which represents the terrain in a coordinate system. The row and column index numbers are the x and y coordinates, and the data within the element is the elevation data or the z coordinate. The computer links these "flag" points to create a surface. In order to construct a terrain, the elements in the DEM have to be manipulated in a fashion that can translate human perception into numerical information. A critical portion of the project is to mathematically alter the DEM given user inputs such as land feature type (e.g. hills, ridges, ditches, plateaus), position, and height.

Being able to easily control construction is also a major aspect of the program. The project focuses on having mouse-based input because the keyboard can sometimes be cumbersome. The use of pop-up menus to select categorical data allows information to be effortlessly chosen. Area and positioning of land features are inputted onto an overhead-view image giving the user visual feedback on actual location and size. Red lines drawn on the overhead-view image designate the orientation of ditches and ridges while red rectangles illustrate the areas where hills and plateaus are placed. Shading of the overhead view gives the user a sense of where existing land features are located.

The final portion of the project is the creation of a visualization technique that makes the terrain look realistic. A lighting model is created that gives the terrain a smooth, shaded appearance, which can be viewed by an infinite number of perspectives using a "fly" through method. The development of a function that roughens a smooth terrain produces a natural-looking land surface.