Fall/Spring 2006 - 2007 - Summary of What's Due 3rd Quarter

Reminder of What's Due for March 23 2007:

  1. Check that all your current work is posted on our class site.

  2. Research paper 3rd quarter version (LaTeX, pdf, visuals, bibliography). Include an overall purpose for your project - can it be used in other fields of applications.

  3. Submit drafts of your paper to for an originality report

  4. Poster, 3rd quarter version, Openoffice Draw, export to pdf. Include the larger purpose - possible uses in other disciplines.

  5. Slides, 3rd quarter version (ppt.). Include the larger purpose - possible uses in other disciplines.

  6. Oral presentation of your slides.

  7. Detailed iteration reports (.doc) - Feb. 16, March 9, March 28

  8. Project code - what you are actually writing. Commented synopsis/outline of your code, such as Javadocs API. Representative examples of your program running, demonstrating important aspects of your project.

  9. Description of updates (.doc)to your portolio for 3rd quarter.

  10. Weekly logs

  11. Teknos entry? Draft due middle of February