AI 1 ---- LANGUAGE: Python/Ruby TOPICS: Graphs and Optimal Search -Introduction to Python/Ruby -Word Ladders Heuristics -Romania and US Waterways -Sliding Tile Stochastic Search and Genetic Algorithms -Eight Queens -Bin Packing (or just any function?) Games, Minimax, Pruning -Multiplayer GHOST (word game) -Reversi, aka Othello AI 2 ---- LANGUAGE: Python/Ruby TOPICS: Image Processing and Machine Vision -Smoothing, Edge Detection, Hysteresis Constraint Solvers -Map Coloring -Sudoku Agent Based Modeling -Swarm, Cooperation, Competition, Emergence Machine Learning -Neural Networks -Bayesian Inference Parallel Computing 1 -------------------- LANGUAGE: C TOPICS: Huffman Compression -Introduction to C -Information Theory MPI and Embarrassingly Parallel Problems -Projectile Motion with Air Resistance -Steganography Gridding Strategies -2D OpenGL and Fractal Generation -Matrix Operations and Solvers (???) Applications -Cryptography -Pattern Matching in Genomics Parallel Computing 2 -------------------- LANGUAGE: C TOPICS: Coupled Systems -Heat Equation (do solvers here?) -Orbital Mechanics, N-Body Problem Underlying Tools -threads -sockets Discrete Cosine Transform -MP3 -JPEG 3D Graphics -OpenGL and the Camera Analogy -Contours and the Plane of Symmetry (???) -Ray Tracing