Snap Projects, March 2, 2012, Cardinal Forest Elementary School

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  1. Square Spiral Snap! with Recursion.

  2. Create a new block "squareSpiral" with one input variable. Choose "Motion" category (blue) and type "squareSpiral" for the name of our new block.

  3. Create an input variable named "side": Click the "+" by the name drawSquare and type in "side".

  4. We're not using a repeat block. Instead we'll use recursion. Use an "if" block and a green "less than" block. Drag 'side' onto the "less than" block.

  5. Use a "move" block, a "turn" block, and a squareSpral block, our recursion call. Be sure to change the length of side with your recursion call to squareSpiral.

  6. Read the blocks "code" for your new squareSpiral block.

  7. Now run the program. Understand how this is working.

  8. Try to make a triangleSpiral recursion block.