Running MPI and PVM Programs on the Cray SV1

  1. Things that are DIFFERENT on the Cray:
  2. Log on to the SV1
  3. To run an MPI program: (We think only C or Fortran MPI programs will work,
    sorry no C++, but we'll check on this)
    1. compile your MPI program: cc -o myprog myprog.c
      This creates an output, executable file called "myprog"
    2. Run your MPI program: mpirun -np 5 myprog
      This runs myprog with 5 processes

  4. To run a PVM program:
    1. Note, the compiling script pvmc won't work:
      "gcc $1.c -o $1 -lpvm3",
      instead, use the process listed here
    2. Open two x-terms that are logged onto the Cray
    3. Run pvm: Enter "pvm" at the prompt
    4. In the other x-term, compile the master and slave programs:
      cc -o mastername mastername.c
      cc -o slavename slavename.c
      • The path to pvm3.h should be: #include <pvm3.h>
      • The "slavename" needs the entire path:
        #define SLAVENAME "/usr/home/suprcomp/slavename"
    6. Run the pvm master program: ./mastername
    7. HALT pvm: pvm>halt

  5. For credit, put these results on your portfolio webpage: