% Figure 4.7 Program 1 for the eight queens problem. % solution( BoardPosition) if % BoardPosition is a list of non-attacking queens solution( [] ). solution( [X/Y | Others] ) :- % First queen at X/Y, other queens at Others solution( Others), member( Y, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] ), noattack( X/Y, Others). % First queen does not attack others noattack( _, [] ). % Nothing to attack noattack( X/Y, [X1/Y1 | Others] ) :- Y =\= Y1, % Different Y-coordinates Y1-Y =\= X1-X, % Different diagonals Y1-Y =\= X-X1, noattack( X/Y, Others). member( Item, [Item | Rest] ). member( Item, [First | Rest] ) :- member( Item, Rest). % A solution template template( [1/Y1,2/Y2,3/Y3,4/Y4,5/Y5,6/Y6,7/Y7,8/Y8] ).