% Figure 9.23 Finding a spanning tree of a graph: a `declarative' % program. Relations node and adjacent are as in Figure 9.22. % Finding a spanning tree % Graphs and trees are represented as lists of edges. % stree( Graph, Tree): Tree is a spanning tree of Graph stree( Graph, Tree) :- subset( Graph, Tree), tree( Tree), covers( Tree, Graph). tree( Tree) :- connected( Tree), not hasacycle( Tree). % connected( Graph): there is a path between any two nodes in Graph connected( Graph) :- not ( node( A, Graph), node( B, Graph), not path( A, B, Graph, _) ). hasacycle( Graph) :- adjacent( Node1, Node2, Graph), path( Node1, Node2, Graph, [Node1, X, Y | _] ). % Path of length > 1 % covers( Tree, Graph): every node of Graph is in Tree covers( Tree, Graph) :- not ( node( Node, Graph), not node( Node, Tree) ). % subset( List1, List2): List2 represents a subset of List1 subset( [], [] ). subset( [X | Set], Subset) :- % X not in subset subset( Set, Subset). subset( [X | Set], [X | Subset]) :- % X included in subset subset( Set, Subset).