An Analysis of Option Pricing Models
Charles Vu
Code Development

I was able to complete the debugging of my Black-Scholes Formula code and was able to get it to calculate the correct option price as prescribed by the formula to within one cent. I had accidently misinputed the formula, which had threw off the values a lot. Testing for the program is as follows:

Also, I was able to get the stock quotes program up and running. Using regular expressions I was able to get the program to output the desired stock data. The next step was to make the program functional for input of multiple stock quotes. This required the explode function, which takes the long string of presumably multiple ticker symbols and breaks it up into each of the individual stocks. I then used the original stock quotes function for each of the individual stocks. I also made it output in a graphically pleasing manner, with a table and putting the price change in green if it was up and red if it was down for the day.

Stock Quotes Program

My Black-Scholes Formula Code
My Stock Quotes Webpage Code

Assignments First Quarter
Assignments Second Quarter