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First I created a basic layout for my webpage. It has a JAVA menu on the left that has pull out tabs. This menu allows the user to login and access the authors through e-mail. The login link brings the user to a login page where they type in user name and password. The password is encoded and then searched for in the database. All of the passwords in the database are already encoded. Logging in brings up a diffrent JAVA menu that allows searching and retrieval of files from the MySQL database.

The search allows the user to look by filetype which is GIF, TIFF, or VRML. It also searches by filename and description. The description search takes a keyword from the user and looks for it in the descriptions of files in the database. The website can also be used to upload information from the user onto the database. This allows the databse to constantly expand as people add their files to it. An administrator would be expected to periodically clean up the database to make sure it is organized. The last option allowed to the logged on user is the logout option. This clears the cookies so that someone cannot enter back onto the page from that computer without logging on again.

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Next: Coordinate Adjustment Up: Camera Calibration by Corner Previous: Extrapolation
Evan Herbst 2003-06-12