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Iteration IX

03 April 2003

I drafted my technical paper during this iteration.


Currently, an abundance of websites offer online services to track the performance of stock portfolios. However, the most comprehensive options may require a fee and usually do not provide advice tailored to the investor. An online user interface offers wide-ranging analysis of stock performance and counsel on managing the portfolio based on a concurrent study in technical analysis and other strategies used to predict stock movements. This project combines the convenience of other online interfaces with the personalized guidance typically reserved for paper in order to create a single destination for viewing past performance, current conditions, and future possibilities.


An online database is used to track stock movements and related data. A variety of charts are available to the user, who is able to select scales, timeframes, and other variables. The presentation of investor-specific advice and analysis is based on the results of the simultaneous project regarding the performance of various strategies in predicting stock movements. As more patterns emerge from this project, the level of advice is elevated to include the newest conclusions on managing a portfolio. While the program incorporates a view to large profits in the short term and "hot" stocks, the focus is based on a long period of investment and solid, reliable performers.


The purpose of this project is to increase technical knowledge of Internet languages and financial knowledge of investment by combining the two fields in order to create a informationally comprehensive, aesthetically pleasing interface that allows users to examine past performance of the stocks in their portfolio, assess their current condition, and consider future investments.

Development This project, which primarily uses PHP and MySQL, consists of four main phases. The first major step is extensive research of online user interfaces, database organization, and data retrieval. Following this preparatory period, the interface is created with a basic level of functionality. Next, advice and analysis are combined with a refined interface that is marked by thoroughness and ease of use. Finally, all features are further enhanced to incorporate additional conclusions of the related project in a final testing of sample portfolios.

The above work is conducted through the iterative process of planning, designing, coding, and testing incrementally to create ultimately the final product. Described below are the iterations, completed and scheduled, for this project, organized by quarter.

Quarter I: Research of Internet languages and online interfaces

  • Iteration I: Planning and creation of website
  • Iteration II: Java and PHP
  • Iteration III: Proposal (LATEX) and completion of requirements for Quarter I

    Quarter II: Obtaining pertinent data

  • Iteration IV: Retrieval of current value of major indices using PHP
  • Retrieval of technical data for listings on the major indices
  • Digital version of poster

    Quarter III: Displaying data in a preliminary interface

  • Iteration VII: Comprehensive analysis of progress and goals
  • Iteration VIII: Creation of initial interface
  • Iteration IX: Documentation for Quarter III

    Quarter IV: Completing and enhancing the interface

  • Iteration X: Expanding functionality of interface
  • Iteration XI: Adding advice to interface
  • Iteration XII: Final adminstrative requirements


    The final result is an online financial manager that provides detailed analysis of stock movements and personalized advice, presented according to the aesthetic preferences of the user. Thorough research in the technical and financial aspects of the project allow the combination of the online user interface and the analytical program to give users reliable suggestions in the uncertain world of portfolio management.


  • PHP: www.php.net, www.PHPBuilder.com
  • MySQL: www.mysql.com