Student Laura Strickman
Title Datakeeper: A Secure Online Data-Storage and Form-Filling Program
Background Datakeeper is a web-based program that stores students' data in a generic format and releases it to the appropriate people. After filling in their data for the first time, all students need to do is check the pieces of information required, enter the email address to send them to, and hit send- or hit print to create a hard copy. Data can be viewed and edited online and accessed from any computer with an internet connection. Data is password-protected.
Description Datakeeper is written using PHP and MySQL, with additional formatting in HTML. PHP is a language that can be used to create more interactive websites than HTML. One of its most important features is its ability to interact with MySQL databases in order to allow database information to be manipulated over the internet. This allows Datakeeper to provide an online interface which is convenient for multiple users. MySQL is used to store students' data, with each account accessed by a username and password. PHP's "session" features allow users to log on to the Datakeeper database, navigate the website using its various functions, and log out at the end of their session to maintain security. Another of PHP's special features is used to create an emailed form automatically.
Visuals Here's a screenshot of the current version of Datakeeper:

The entire series of pages can be viewed here. Here's a diagram that shows the flow of information through the project:

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