By Laura Strickman

Plan DKv2.0 is now up and running. For this iteration I hope to create DKv2.5 by testing it thoroughly, adding some minor improvements to the features, making it completely fool-proof, and finding some test users to check it out.
Design The new improved DKv2.5 will feature the ability to customize forms you send to your teachers by selecting what data to include, as well as the ability to edit your existing data. It will make you type in your password twice when creating your account to make sure typos don't mess you up, and will have a feature to have your password emailed to you if you forget it. It will check before it creates an account to make sure that username isn't taken, and it will make sure that every field is filled in with the correct type of data.
Coding Still using PHP and MySQL, though now I'm mainly working on learning the intricacies of PHP and my interactions with MySQL are fairly minimal. I'm also using some fairly fancy HTML in order to make my page more attractive. I may begin using java in order to make the page still more interactive and pretty.
Testing Mr. Latimer has mentioned that he could get a group of test students to try out Datakeeper. Now that it's fully functional, having a bunch of people use it for its intended purpose would be an effective way to discover any hitches in the process. My own testing has so far shown it to be quite stable, but it's always good to have a helping hand.
Possible "Deployment" DKv2.5 will be completely deployable. The only other issue is security, which I plan to work on for DKv3.0.
Users See Testing. Other users could include businesspeople. The number of users would be greatly increased if Datakeeper could be integrated with the intranet.
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