**StoreOrder.php This page lists out the items in the inventory and allows the user to input the quantity of an item he/she would like to order //?> if(!$sort) $sort="item"; $link=mysql_connect("mysql.tjhsst.edu", "syousuf", "xxxxxxx"); mysql_select_db("syousuf", $link); $query= "select * from inventory order by $sort"; $result = mysql_query($query, $link); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); $array= array(); for($blah=0; $blah<$num_rows; $blah++) $array["$blah"] =$blah; Print<< Store #$ViewMethod - Send Shipment to DC ENDHTML; for($x=0; $x<$num_rows; $x++) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($result); $item=$row["item"]; $sku=$row["sku"]; $price=$row["price"]; $color=$row["color"]; Print<< ENDHTML; } Print<<
Order Form for Store $ViewMethod:
Item Sku Price Color Quantity to Send Order Item
$item $sku $ $price $color
ENDHTML; //?> **StoreshipOrder.php The order for an item is then sent here and added to a database. Then the user is sent back to the order page so they can order other items. // **StoreshipOrder2.php On this page the user can delete an item that they had chosen to order but no longer would like. // **finalize.php This is the finalizing page. They user can see what items they have ordered, delete any items they dont want, and can finalize the order and return to the menu page. // ENDHTML; } Print<<
Finalize Order:
Item Sku Price Color Quantity to Send Delete
$item $sku $ $price $color $quantity