*********storecheck.php This page lists the item sent to this store Then they can input the quantity they actually received Then this info is sent to storecheckOrder.php Finally, when all items have been checked in, the store may go back to the menu page // Check In Shipment for Store #$ViewMethod ENDHTML; $link=mysql_connect("mysql.tjhsst.edu", "syousuf", "xxxxxxx"); mysql_select_db("syousuf", $link); if($ViewMethod==56) $query= "select * from ship56"; if($ViewMethod==112) $query= "select * from ship112"; if($ViewMethod==650) $query= "select * from ship650"; if($ViewMethod==872) $query= "select * from ship872"; if($ViewMethod==364) $query= "select * from ship364"; $result = mysql_query($query, $link); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); for($x=0; $x<$num_rows; $x++) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($result); $item=$row["item"]; $sku=$row["sku"]; $price=$row["price"]; $color=$row["color"]; $quantity=$row["quantity"]; Print<< ENDHTML; } Print<< ENDHTML; //?>
Shipment from DC:
Item Sku Price Color Quantity Sent Quantity Received Check in
$item $sku $ $price $color $quantity
Return to Menu:
*********storecheckOrder.php This page simply redirects the information If the quantity sent and received matches, it goes to storecheckGood.php Otherwise, it goes to storecheckBad.php // **********storecheckGood.php Here the item is simply deleted from the shipment page for that store then it is redirected back to the store check in page // ***********storecheckBad.php Here the discrepency is placed into a table called discrepency Then it is redirected to storecheckGood.php so it can be deleted from the shipment //