#Reverse of Romania #Given info about travel time and cities visited #determine the disatnce between cities from render import * from time import sleep def readfile(a, file): s = open(file).read().split('\n')[:-1] for e in s: p,c = e.split(":") a.append((p.split(","),c)) def register(a, b, hash): if a in hash.keys(): for k in hash[a]: if k[0] == b: return hash[a].append((b,0)) else: hash[a] = [(b, 0)] def build(p, hash): path,cost = p[0],p[1] last = path[0] for k in path[1:]: register(last, k, hash) register(k, last, hash) last = k paths = [] readfile(paths, 'files/map.data') d = {} for k in paths: build(k, d) render(d) for k in d: print "%(key)s:%(val)s" % { 'key' : k, 'val' : d[k] }