Donald Hyatt's Roadside Wildflowers

Around the time of our nation's Bicentennial in 1976, I decided to paint a series of wildflowers which many people assume to be native plants, but were actually brought here by the early settlers. These flowers, many of which were sources of food or medicine, have escaped from cultivation and are now established along roadsides throughout the United States. Unfortunately, other imports, such as dandelions, honeysuckle, and kudzu have also escaped and have become serious pests. Many of our natives have found homes in distant corners of the globe, too. A few of these treasures, such as poison ivy and ragweed, are probably not welcomed immigrants abroad.

Botanical Illustrations

The Daylily

Bouncing Bet


Oxeye Daisy

Queen Anne's Lace


Getting Around

Copyright © Donald W. Hyatt