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Enumerated Lists

The equivalent of the "ordered list" in HTML is called the enumerated list in LATEX. An enumerated list allows people to organize a list of items and then permit the software to handle automated numbering.

The general format for an enumerated list is as follows:

      \item First Item 
      \item Second Item 
      \item  Last Item

The following numbered sequence that shows how to run LATEX on the systems at TJHSST is such an enumerated list. Review the source code of this document to see how this list and the other examples were created.

  1. Make sure the computer knows where LATEX is located on our system.
  2. Type a text file with the proper LATEX commands using vi or other editor. Save the source as $<$filename$>$.tex. (Example: vi paper1.tex)
  3. Type the command: latex $<$filename$>$ without the .tex extender. (Ex: latex paper1)
  4. If there are errors, edit the file and repeat from step #3. If there are unresolved references such as footnotes, it may be necessary to repeat #3 again.
  5. View the output by typing xdvi $<$filename$>$.dvi. (Ex: xdvi paper1.dvi)
  6. Print the output, type the command dvips $<$filename$>$.dvi to create a Postscript file and send that to a printer.
    (Ex: dvips paper1.dvi ... followed by ... lpr

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Don Hyatt 2001-06-08