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Tables and Bibliography

In many wordprocessors, students must spend considerable time creating formatted items such as tables, as well as organizing bibliographic references. In LATEX, these operations are relatively simple.

The general format for setting up a table is to define a table using "l", "r", or "c" for positioning and vertical bar for column lines. The ampersand & is used to separate items and the "hline" tag for row lines. The code below is used to define the table comparing the advantages of various word processing products:

      No. & Formatting Language & Cost & Utility \\ \hline \hline
      1. & HTML & free & fair \\ \hline
      2. & LaTeX & free & good \\ \hline
      3. & Microsoft Word & expensive & good \\ \hline
      4. & vi & free & poor \\ \hline
      5. & Word Perfect 5.1 & cheap & fair \\ \hline
The actual table looks like the following:

No. Formatting Language Cost Utility
1. HTML free fair
2. LaTeX free good
3. Microsoft Word expensive good
4. vi free poor
5. Word Perfect 5.1 cheap fair

Bibliographic references are very handy since LATEX coordinates any citations in the text to the bibliograph list. Each bibliography reference needs to have an identifier such as $\backslash$bibitem{RefID} $<$reference info$>$ in the bibliography, and then anytime that reference is cited with the proper $\backslash$cite{RefID}, LATEX will handle all the coordination and numbering of items in the list.

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Don Hyatt 2001-06-08