Supercomputer Applications
Generating a Surface

Three Dimensional Surfaces

Three dimensional surfaces can be useful for studying complex data sets. Histograms are helpful for looking at data with just one variable, lines or curves plotted in a coordinate plane are useful for comparing data sets with two independent variables. When data sets contain three variables, curves in three-space or sometimes surfaces can be used to compare the inter-relation of the three components.

When plotting the surface illustrated below, the "x" and "z" values of the region were treated as a grid of points, and then the height, or the "y" component, was calculated. This shows how the "y" component changes with respect to both "x" and "z". A similar surface parallel to the "x-y" plane could be used to study how "z" depends upon the other variables.

In many scientific experiments, there are often four or variables involved in relationships, but it is difficult for those of us live in 3D to visualize something in 4-Dimensions. However, we can combine the 3-dimensional surface with color to represent that fourth component, thus giving us a way to visualize a four dimensional data set.

A Program to Create a Colored 3-D Surface

3-D Surface with Lighting

This program generates 3-D surface and includes the use of lighting effects. In order to draw the surface the region is cut into a number of triangle strips that go from one side to the other. The height of the surface is calculated by finding the product of two sine waves, thus giging the undulating quality. For each triangle, the three vertex points are sent to a special routine that calculates the normal vector, a directional value that is perpendicular to the triangle surface. From this information and the color of the surface at that point, the OpenGL lighting commands determine how much light will strike the surface and what color the triangel will be. Look closely at the computer code that calculates the normals as well as the description in your text to learn more about normal vectors and lighting as well as the following page on Normal Vectors and other 3-D Graphics Details.

It is important to note that the normals must be calculated in the proper sequence because they are directional. Ones that point in the direction of the light source will receive light whereas those that point away will be in shadow. If all of the vectors of a surface are not calculated in the same way, some triangles will be colored yet others will be appear dark because they are in the shade. This can cause strangely colored surfaces!

Source Code:   surface.c

Combining Graphics Images with a Surface

It is often helpful to overlay an image in 3-D with a graphic that represents the coloring. If you are need help on understanding how to work with graphic images, check out the following page:
Graphics File Formats

Using the basic format of the surface program above, the following example replaces two routines in order to generate a more interesting surface. It essentially tries to overlay the graphic of the azalea image on top of an embossed or raised surface that also relates to the same picture. Look at how the two algorithms are used to create an interesting effect:

Determing the Altitude

To generate the altitude, I used a combination of the black and white silhouette algorithm used preveiosly along with the sine wave function described in the surface program given on this page. Essentially, wherever the picture was white, a wavy surface ranging from -2 to + 2 was used. Where the picture was colored in the region of the azalea plant and flower, the altitude was set at a uniform 20 units high.

Black and White
Determining the Color

To determine the color of the surface, the RGB values in the original picture were used. One thing to note is that the pixel values in a PPM image are given in RGB format as integers whereas the OpenGL command expects color values to be expressed as floats. Good programmers should be able to make the conversion easily.

Original Picture

The Combined Image

Notice how the combined image has a height elevation relating to the silhouette, yet the same essential color of the original graphic. The surface can be manipulated in 3-D using various keyboard routines.