Title: TASC Component Architecture and Simulation Environment (TCASE) Problem: Currently there is not a standardized Modeling and Simulation framework, and to easily interchange components one needs to be developed. Purpose: To create a Component Architecture and Simulation Environment to allow for easy interchanging of models and sensors into a simulation. It should be easy to create a wrapper around existing models and sensors to place them into the framework developed. Intelligence groups and other organizations thats do a great deal of modeling would be interested in the framework and the sensors/componenets already in place. It should be easy for them to implement their own sensors in the framework, and run simulations. EX: You have a sensor model (a camera for example) that you want to place into a border crossing scenario, all you need to do is write a sensor "wrapper" to allow it to interoperate with the framwork that already exists (the framework providing Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and other services). Scope of Study: Much of the framework is already in place/being developed, so far the plans are for me to help add various sensors, and services to the framework. (for example a matlab service that I've been working on). I will also be modeling at least one distinct scenario using some of the models/sensors/services I helped to add to the framework. I may also be working on the High Perfomance Computing (HPC) part of the project if it becomes a priority, as I have experiance with cluster services. Background: M&S have been a large topic in both the scientific and military communties. Most modeling and simulation applications are written for a specific scenario, and when a new sort of scenario needs to be modeled, a new application must be written (although a lot of code can be borrowed from the previous apps). The goal of this project is to create a generic framework that will be able to adapt to all scenarios and situations. --Time table-- First week: * Bring the TCASE lab and servers to a usable state * Windows XP/SUSE 10 SLED on all 4 machines * Red Hat Server on the 2 server machines * DHCP/DNS/NTP/NFS so that you can use any machine without transferring data around Second week: * JMATLINK/Matlab service for the framework * Implement JMATLINK as a standard Apache Tomcat service * Implement it in terms of the existing framwork so that other components can make use of it * Help to bring the SPICE lab up to date and up to code * Work on a threaded java ports server with Drew Third week: * Begin working on various models and sensors * Infared * Nighttime cameras * etc * Begin developing a scenario to model * Pick a location (and aquire GIS data for that locale) * Pick a senarios/sensors/models * Continue working on java threads and JMATLINK services Fourth week: * Begin to model my scenario and help with other sensors Fifth week: * Modeling * HPC developement Sixth week: * Modeling * HPC developement Materials: * 7 computers (2 servers, 4 workstations, 1 laptop), lots of software Languages: Framework: Java Sensors: Java, C, C++, Perl, etc? (lang independent) Framework wrappers: Java Software: MATLAB, Globalmapper, GIS software, SPICE, etc Data: GIS, model, and sensor data Data testing: Scenario modeling Results: The result will be a functional framework for Northop Grummans TASC and its costumers to develop simulations upon. It will have a base set of services, models, and sensors. It will have a sensor planning tool to help determine the best layouts of sensors across certain terrain. Presentations can be in the form of live demos and videos. The framework will help future researchers and users to easily model scenarios using new, existing, and proprietary models/sensors/applications. I would like to continue to develop models and scenarios for Northop, and may possibly stay on during the year.