Code Outline - Patrick Mutchler - 2nd Quarter main: creates a matrix score gets the music from a file and puts it in score creates a Printer object and passes it score getScore: gets the time signature gets the key signature gets the text from the file stores this in timSig, keySig, and score main: creates the window calls paint paint: resets the window parses the key signature prints the score parseKeySig takes the letter input and converts it into a number of sharps or flats prints the appropriate number of sharps of flats to the screen printScore loops over each measure and prints it adjusts the xposition and the ypositon of the drawing tool appropriately printMeasure draws the barlines at the beginning and end of the measure loops over each note within a measure and parses/prints it adjusts the xpositon of the drawing tool appropriately parseNote determines the appropriate x and y position for the note determines the staff position for the note determines the duration of the note calls printNote printNote based on the xposition and y position prints a note draws a stem and ledger lines based on the staff position fills in the note and draws a stem based on its duration prints accidentals based on if the note is sharp or flat