Research Paper Shell in LaTeX 2006-2007

The research paper shell used here is Control of Complex, Physically Simulated Robot Groups (text version) by David Brogan for SPIE 2001 (UVa Graphics Group papers)
SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering proceedings vol. 4512
Proceedings of SPIE Volume: 4512; Complex Adaptive Structures; Editor(s): William B. Spillman, Jr. ISBN: 0-8194-4227-5; Publication Date: Oct 2001; 282 pages; 27 papers; Softcover.

  1. Example LaTeX research paper shell to use as a model:

  2. To compile: pdflatex samplepaper.tex (make sure the image files are in the same folder as the paper source .tex file)

  3. To make your own pdf images for your paper (the process I used)
    1. Use Gimp (File/Acquire Screenshot) to make a screenshot of the window with the image you're copying
    2. Use the "Select rectangular areas" tool to select the image
    3. Copy/Paste this into a new gimp file
    4. Save this file as Postscript .ps
    5. In an xterm, convert this .ps image to .pdf using ps2pdf: ps2pdf

  4. Bibliography formats

  5. LaTeX tutorial links:

To generate a LaTeX document

  1. Compile and generate a pdf from the latex file: pdflatex myfile.tex
    (or latex myfile.tex to generate a .dvi file)

  2. xpdf will view the pdf file (also gv, gpdf, kpdf, evince can view pdf's)

  3. To view a .dvi file using xdvi filename.dvi

  4. dvi file to pdf: dvipdf myfile.dvi (our current image doesn't support dvipdf, use pdflatex)

  5. To convert the latex file to html:
    "latex2html filename.tex"
    This creates a directory "filename" with an index.html file

  6. To convert to ".ps" (postscript) format, use dvips myfile.dvi

  7. To see the postscript (".ps") file, use Ghostview: gv