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Cellular Automata
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480 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (3:3:0). Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in CS 310 and 330. Principles and methods for knowledge representation, reasoning, learning, problem solving, planning, heuristic search, and natural language processing and their application to building intelligent systems in a variety of domains. LISP, PROLOG, or an expert system programming language is used.f,s

685/ECE 651/SYST 672 Intelligent Systems for Robots (3:3:0). Prerequisite: CS 580; or ECE 650; or SYST 611 or 555; or equivalent. Review of recent developments in the area of intelligent autonomous systems. Applications of artificial intelligence, computer vision, and machine learning to robotics are studied. Topics include analysis and design of algorithms and architectures for planning, navigation, sensory data understanding, sensor fusion, spatial reasoning, motion control, knowledge acquisition, learning of concepts and procedures, self-organization, and adaptation to the environment

687 Advanced Artificial Intelligence (3:3:0). Prerequisite: CS 580. Exploration of foundational issues of artificial intelligence, such as the roles of knowledge and search, the formalization of knowledge and inference, and symbolic versus emergent approaches to intelligence. Advanced programming techniques for artificial intelligence and their relationship both to the foundational issues and to the most important application areas for artificial intelligence are studied. Major programming project required


Supercomputer Applications

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Cellular Automata Picture