Current Status and Accomplishments of 3rd Quarter

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  • The role of computers in our changing world

    Computers are gaining speed and advancing in almost every aspect of our lives. As their presence increases, so too does the pool of users. Unfortunately, many potential users do not have the technical background (or the patience with instructions) to use programs to their fullest potential. Compounding the issue, the technology field advances so rapidly that even what knowledge is acquired may soon become obsolete. So,instead of making such a large group of people constantly conform to the newest technologies, instead these technologies should cater to the needs of the users. Making a program intuitive as well as useful should be a major goal for any programmer.

    My program and its accomplishments

    This project creates a drawing program that is simple to use but not limited in its capabilities. The final product will be a user-friendly drawing tool kit for the computer animator in which the user can, for example, create and manipulate circles, squares, and triangles on a blank canvas.


    Sample Screenshot
    The white part is the canvas, and the gray area is the toolbar. Later I will add more buttons to the toolbar to expand the amount of functions available.