Scientific Method

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  • Scientific Method

  • Problem/Purpose

    The purpose of this project is to create a drawing program that is simple to use but not limited in its capabilities. The final product will be a user-friendly drawing tool kit for the computer animator that implements techniques of GUI design and is intuitive enough for new users to perform some simple function within a short time.


    The hypothesis is that the final product - a drawing program, will be intuitive enough that users with no previous experience with the program will be able to perform a task in under twenty seconds.


  • The program will be completed
  • Users will be asked to sit in front of the open program
  • Users will be given a task (i.e. draw a pink circle) and no instructions
  • A control group will be given written instructions on how to complete the same task
  • A timer will measure all responses and report in seconds


    Materials, or tools used in the creation of this project include a computer, the programming language Python, the text editor Nedit, and the actual code of the program.

    To Be Completed


    * Keep a detailed journal of observations, data, and results. Your journal should contain data measurements and written notes about what you are sensing (hearing, seeing, or touching) about your experiment. * If appropriate, photograph your project results or phases of the project to help your analysis and possibly to demonstrate your experiment on your exhibit board.


    * Explain your observations, data, and results. This is a summary of what your data has shown you. * List the main points that you have learned. * Why did the results occur? What did your experiment prove? * Was your hypothesis correct? Did your experiment prove or disprove your hypothesis? This should be explained thoroughly.


    * Answer your problem/purpose statement. * What does it all add up to? What is the value of your project? * What further study do you recommend given the results of your experiment? What would be the next question to ask? * If you repeated this project, what would you change?