C0 code coverage information

Generated on Thu Jun 07 11:34:00 -0400 2007 with rcov 0.8.0

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Name Total lines Lines of code Total coverage Code coverage
lib/authenticated_system.rb 141 76
  1 module AuthenticatedSystem
  2 	protected
  3 	# Returns true or false if the user is logged in.
  4 	# Preloads @current_user with the user model if they're logged in.
  5 	def logged_in?
  6 		(@current_user ||= session[:user] ? User.find_by_id(session[:user]) : :false).is_a?(User)
  7 	end
  9 	def admin?
 10 		current_user.rank == :admin
 11 	end
 13 	# Accesses the current user from the session.
 14 	def current_user
 15 		@current_user if logged_in?
 16 	end
 18 	# Store the given user in the session.
 19 	def current_user=(new_user)
 20 		session[:user] = (new_user.nil? || new_user.is_a?(Symbol)) ? nil : new_user.id
 21 		@current_user = new_user
 22 	end
 24 	# Check if the user is authorized.
 25 	#
 26 	# Override this method in your controllers if you want to restrict access
 27 	# to only a few actions or if you want to check if the user
 28 	# has the correct rights.
 29 	#
 30 	# Example:
 31 	#
 32 	#  # only allow nonbobs
 33 	#  def authorize?
 34 	#    current_user.login != "bob"
 35 	#  end
 36 	def authorized?
 37 		true
 38 	end
 40 	# Filter method to enforce a login requirement.
 41 	#
 42 	# To require logins for all actions, use this in your controllers:
 43 	#
 44 	#   before_filter :login_required
 45 	#
 46 	# To require logins for specific actions, use this in your controllers:
 47 	#
 48 	#   before_filter :login_required, :only => [ :edit, :update ]
 49 	#
 50 	# To skip this in a subclassed controller:
 51 	#
 52 	#   skip_before_filter :login_required
 53 	#
 54 	def login_required
 55 		username, passwd = get_auth_data
 56 		self.current_user ||= User.authenticate(username, passwd) || :false if username && passwd
 57 		logged_in? && authorized? ? true : access_denied
 58 	end
 60 	def admin_required
 61 		username, passwd = get_auth_data
 62 		self.current_user ||= User.authenticate(username,passwd) || :false if username && passwd
 63 		logged_in? && authorized? && admin? ? true : access_denied
 64 	end
 66 	# Redirect as appropriate when an access request fails.
 67 	#
 68 	# The default action is to redirect to the login screen.
 69 	#
 70 	# Override this method in your controllers if you want to have special
 71 	# behavior in case the user is not authorized
 72 	# to access the requested action.  For example, a popup window might
 73 	# simply close itself.
 74 	def access_denied
 75 		respond_to do |accepts|
 76 			accepts.html do
 77 				store_location
 78 				redirect_to :controller => '/account', :action => 'login'
 79 			end
 80 			accepts.xml do
 81 				headers["Status"]           = "Unauthorized"
 82 				headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = %(Basic realm="Web Password")
 83 				render :text => "Could't authenticate you", :status => '401 Unauthorized'
 84 			end
 85 		end
 86 		false
 87 	end  
 89 	# Store the URI of the current request in the session.
 90 	#
 91 	# We can return to this location by calling #redirect_back_or_default.
 92 	def store_location
 93 		session[:return_to] = request.request_uri
 94 	end
 96 	# Redirect to the URI stored by the most recent store_location call or
 97 	# to the passed default.
 98 	def redirect_back_or_default(default)
 99 		session[:return_to] ? redirect_to_url(session[:return_to]) : redirect_to(default)
100 		session[:return_to] = nil
101 	end
103 	# Inclusion hook to make #current_user and #logged_in?
104 	# available as ActionView helper methods.
105 	def self.included(base)
106 		base.send :helper_method, :current_user, :logged_in?, :admin?
107 	end
109 	# When called with before_filter :login_from_cookie will check for an :auth_token
110 	# cookie and log the user back in if apropriate
111 	def login_from_cookie
112 		return unless cookies[:auth_token] && !logged_in?
113 		user = User.find_by_remember_token(cookies[:auth_token])
114 		if user && user.remember_token?
115 			user.remember_me
116 			self.current_user = user
117 			cookies[:auth_token] = { :value => self.current_user.remember_token , :expires => self.current_user.remember_token_expires_at }
118 			flash[:notice] = "Logged in successfully"
119 		end
120 	end
122 	private
123 	# gets BASIC auth info
124 	def get_auth_data
125 		user, pass = nil, nil
126 		# extract authorisation credentials 
127 		if request.env.has_key? 'X-HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' 
128 			# try to get it where mod_rewrite might have put it 
129 			authdata = request.env['X-HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'].to_s.split 
130 		elsif request.env.has_key? 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' 
131 			# this is the regular location 
132 			authdata = request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'].to_s.split  
133 		end 
135 		# at the moment we only support basic authentication 
136 		if authdata && authdata[0] == 'Basic' 
137 			user, pass = Base64.decode64(authdata[1]).split(':')[0..1] 
138 		end 
139 		return [user, pass] 
140 	end
141 end

Generated using the rcov code coverage analysis tool for Ruby version 0.8.0.

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