C0 code coverage information
Generated on Thu Jun 07 11:34:00 -0400 2007 with rcov 0.8.0
Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...
and this: this line is also marked as covered.
Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,
and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).
Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.
1 module AuthenticatedTestHelper
2 # Sets the current user in the session from the user fixtures.
3 def login_as(user)
4 @request.session[:user] = user ? users(user).id : nil
5 end
7 def content_type(type)
8 @request.env['Content-Type'] = type
9 end
11 def accept(accept)
12 @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = accept
13 end
15 def authorize_as(user)
16 if user
17 @request.env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] = "Basic #{Base64.encode64("#{users(user).login}:test")}"
18 accept 'application/xml'
19 content_type 'application/xml'
20 else
21 @request.env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] = nil
22 accept nil
23 content_type nil
24 end
25 end
27 # http://project.ioni.st/post/217#post-217
28 #
29 # def test_new_publication
30 # assert_difference(Publication, :count) do
31 # post :create, :publication => {...}
32 # # ...
33 # end
34 # end
35 #
36 def assert_difference(object, method = nil, difference = 1)
37 initial_value = object.send(method)
38 yield
39 assert_equal initial_value + difference, object.send(method), "#{object}##{method}"
40 end
42 def assert_no_difference(object, method, &block)
43 assert_difference object, method, 0, &block
44 end
46 # Assert the block redirects to the login
47 #
48 # assert_requires_login(:bob) { |c| c.get :edit, :id => 1 }
49 #
50 def assert_requires_login(login = nil)
51 yield HttpLoginProxy.new(self, login)
52 end
54 def assert_http_authentication_required(login = nil)
55 yield XmlLoginProxy.new(self, login)
56 end
58 def reset!(*instance_vars)
59 instance_vars = [:controller, :request, :response] unless instance_vars.any?
60 instance_vars.collect! { |v| "@#{v}".to_sym }
61 instance_vars.each do |var|
62 instance_variable_set(var, instance_variable_get(var).class.new)
63 end
64 end
65 end
67 class BaseLoginProxy
68 attr_reader :controller
69 attr_reader :options
70 def initialize(controller, login)
71 @controller = controller
72 @login = login
73 end
75 private
76 def authenticated
77 raise NotImplementedError
78 end
80 def check
81 raise NotImplementedError
82 end
84 def method_missing(method, *args)
85 @controller.reset!
86 authenticate
87 @controller.send(method, *args)
88 check
89 end
90 end
92 class HttpLoginProxy < BaseLoginProxy
93 protected
94 def authenticate
95 @controller.login_as @login if @login
96 end
98 def check
99 @controller.assert_redirected_to :controller => 'account', :action => 'login'
100 end
101 end
103 class XmlLoginProxy < BaseLoginProxy
104 protected
105 def authenticate
106 @controller.accept 'application/xml'
107 @controller.authorize_as @login if @login
108 end
110 def check
111 @controller.assert_response 401
112 end
113 end
Generated using the rcov code coverage analysis tool for Ruby version 0.8.0.