Supercomputer Applications
Unit #4 Objectives - Chaos and Dynamical Systems

Specific Objectives of the Unit

Students are asked to select one of the Chaos Algorithms presented on the class web materials for Unit #4 and then do something creative and original to create an interesting, interactive program that utilizes the concept. Mr. Latimer and Mr. Hyatt do not want any duplicated efforts, so each student should select something unique that nobody else is doing.

The following objectives will be used to evaluate the web-based presentation for unit. Make sure you meet or exceed all objectives, and you can receive a perfect score or even some bonus points.

  1. The student has selected an algorithm related to the study of dynamical systems and chaos, and has developed an interactive OpenGL application that provides a user with a tool to experiment with the topic. User interaction could include keyboard or mouse routines and multiple windows.

  2. The student has demonstrated originality and imagination in the development of this application. The use of 3-D graphcs or parallel programming is encouraged, and students who choose to do enhance their programs will receive extra credit.

  3. The student has created a web page that explains the specific chaos topic and provides sample graphic images that show the interaction that is available in the application.

  4. The student has provided a link to properly documented computer code for the Chaos application.

Extra Credit

  1. Do any programs involve advanced graphics features such as 3-D OpenGL or does it utilize Parallel Programming in PVM?

  2. Does any program show exceptional creativity or imagination in the design or execution?