Computer Science Summer 07
Course Materials

  1. 1.FCPS Java Packet Unit One. JKarel Programming
    This is Unit One of your "text". It contains reading material, Lab assignments (programs to write), and exercises for each Lab.
    These exercises are used as review for the quizzes.

  2. Unit 1 JKarel check sheet - This checkoff sheet is used for you to get credit for all the programming assignments in the Unit.

  3. Student information form

  4. Computer Science summer 2007 syllabus . Goals, description, attendance, grading, software available, classroom behavior.

  5. Course materials. provided on a CD
    Also online:

  6. TJ materials and examples . Unit 1 JKarel has sample outputs of your program assignments.
    Unit 1 API has definitions for the programming .classes. you use in this unit.
    For example, read through the .class. definitions for Robot, Athlete, Climber, and World
    also see the entire Java API