09/27/02: And the Toe Bone's Connected to the Foot Bone...

Sorry that last entry was cut off a little abruptly--class ended just as I was finishing it up.  The reason the ability to see that two keys were pressed at the same time would have been useful was that it would be very useful in navigation.  As of the code from last year, you can only turn or go forward.  With the ability to press several keys at once, we could allow the user to move diagonally, look up and down--basically a much more varied spectrum of movement.

I haven't gotten to researching more OpenGL since last time because I've spent the first half-hour of class e-mailing some people who were working on similar projects to mine at George Mason University.  Mr. Latimer, my computer systems research teacher e-mailed them my website, and they both graciously offered to provide any help and advice I might need.  He also e-mailed one of my old group members from last year who wrote this program with me, and he offered to help as well.  It's nice to know I have so many people willing to help me...but a little intimidating as well. =)

Well, I at least spent the last half-hour researching some OpenGL.  I finished tutorials 2-5 today.  They were mostly review, but a nice review...went over drawing shapes and filling colors.  I found out that you can actually use colors to tint textures, which could come in handy later on.  One of my fellow Computer Systems Lab researchers saw me looking through the website and said that it was a good website and that he learned a bit from it, so that's good. =) Anyway, have a nice weekend!