10/18/02: Durned Internet.

Well.  For the second class period this week, I can't get on the Internet.  Blah.

Since I couldn't get on the Internet last period or this period, I couldn't read OpenGL tutorials, and I can't looke for the link to the code I used to take screengrabs.  Instead, I tried testing my old code.  The version of the program without textures still works, but for some reason the version with textures doesn't.  I'm going to try and run it at home on VC++, but I'm hoping that's not the problem.  I'm also going to ask Evan if he has more recent code than me--That might be the problem

In the meantime, I finally managed to get the screengrab thing to work.  I haven't tried it on the museum file yet, but here's a sample of an animated gif I made for another class using this program: