10/25/02: It LIVES!!!

Yes, the Internet's back up, but that actually doesn't really have anything to do with what I did today.  As you know, I started modifying my old museum code to include screenshots.  As I predicted, the user interaction wreaked havoc on the screenshot function, but for some reason, it seemed to die when I tried to save it to a file rather than the actual screengrabbing.  It was a very perplexing problem that I've been working on since Monday.  For some reason, strcat just wouldn't work. Anyway, I finally solved it today.  Actually, I ended up changing the screenshot function I found online rather than changing my old museum code.

Then, when I thought all was well, I ran whirlgif to make an animated gif and the whole thing blew up--crashed the computer and everything.  The problem was that I forgot to -globmap global option to make the program use the color index of the first gif.  This may be a bit of a problem later when I add in textures because there will be many more colors that don't show up in the first frame, but that's probably not really something I can help.  Anyway, here's the gif that I've been spending two class periods on; I'm rather proud of it, I must admit.

I mentioned textures earlier, and I guess that's going to be my next step.  I talked to Evan, my old group member, and he found the texture code that we used last year.  So I'm just going to copy the modified screenshot function into that and hope it runs.  However, the end of the quarter is fast approaching, so I'm going to have to spend sometime writing the iteration progress reports, LaTeX documents, etc.  So it may be a while before this new iteration of the code will be done.  Anyway, have a nice weekend.