02/24/03: So How 'bout that Snow?

Okay, I have actually written the summaries and made the pictures and everything, but of course, I still can't get the video files from home to school.  It's rather upsetting, really.  Anyway, I didn't really do much over our one-week snow break, so I've still got only those four video files.  I'm going to try and get at least one more video file every week from now on.  I've turned my drive to get more video files down a notch because I think I should really be focusing on the coding aspects in class.  So I'm going to finish up my current progress report and move on to figuring out where and how to place the exhibits in the museum.

In the meantime, here are some possible History Channel programs:

Date Time Program
Wednesday 2/26 7:00am - 8:00am The Electric Light

Heh heh.  Completely ran out of time, can you tell? =)