04/04/03: Current Project Status Version 3.2

Okay, you know what?  I realize that 04/04/2003 was two days ago, but I have to do it this way otherwise I'll have three daily logs in one day, and that would just be weird.  So humor me and ignore the fact that it's actually Sunday rather than Friday, okay?  That said, let's move on.

The museum environment is practically complete with the Technological Innovations wing being the only area where the walls and rooms are not yet definite.  All of the other wings are complete and divided into the rooms that will be in the final museum.  The keyboard routine is in place, so a visitor can move freely about the museum.  However, there is still no collision detection, so he or she can move through walls and outside the museum, etc.

There is also a mouse routine that allows the visitor to click on exhibits, but it is not yet connected to the exhibits.  The museum can input exhibits and place them in their correct rooms now.  As of yet, there are only exhibits in the World War II room in the Wars wing.  Though these exhibits are not yet connected to the mouse routine that allows the user to play the video, there is an exhibits section in the website which contains the four exhibits' video clips as well as a plaque that explains the significance of the subject of the video.

In addition to the essential parts of the code, there is also a screenshot option, which can be turned on and off.  When the screenshot option is on, the program automatically takes a screenshot every other fram to be used in an animated gif.

There is still a lot that can be done with the project, but I think I'm making great progress.  And though I probably won't be able to reach my original goal by the end of the year, I'm satisfied with what I have managed to accomplish up to this point.