Supercomputer Applications
UNIT #1 - Iteration, Bifurcation, and Chaos

Introductory Materials

Getting Started: Background Information on UNIX and HTML

The following pages will help you get started with UNIX and HTML. You will need to present your projects in a web-based format in this class, so if you are having difficulty with these topics, please see Mr. Hyatt or some of the other students in the class who know these skills.

Working with PHP

PHP is a new addition to HTML that allows a web designer to create interactive and dynamic web pages easily. It interfaces nicely with a database application, MySQL, that is also available on our web server. To use MySQL, though will need to get a special database account.

Perl Resources

Perl is a powerful language that is often used in writing scripts that help handle functions on UNIX systems, and it has also been used for writing interactive programs on the web. Unlike PHP, Perl programs that run on the web must be placed in a special directory called cgi-bin that is under the web-docs directory. Perl is probably still the most commonly used language for writing CGI-scripts, but because languages like PHP are easier to use, it may not be the language of choice in years to come.

Fractals and Graphics Materials

Chaos and Fractal Resources

The following reference materials will be helpful in understanding some of the chaos related materials used in the first unit.

OpenGL Resources

   Program Examples Used or Discussed in Class

Assignments and Extra Credit

Assignments - UNIT #1

The following pages describe the assignments we have had in UNIT #1. Review them carefully, and when you have satisfied all the objectives, and have completed a final web page presenting this unit, fill out the Self Evaluation form and submit your final project for grading.

Extra Credit and a Few Great Projects from the Past

You are encouraged to go beyond the basic requirements to investigate advanced features of OpenGL Graphics or topics related to dynamical systems and chaos that we may not have time to cover in class. Extra credit is freely given for innovative approaches or advanced studies related to the units covered in this class, so challenge yourself and amaze your friends, but expect rewards from the teacher too! Check out some clever innovations below: