Supercomputer Applications: A Course in Computational Science
Spring 2006
Assignments 4th Quarter

Using the Cray SV1 at TJ

Also see How to run programs using the /tmp directory on the Cray

  1. Programming Lab 13 vector X matrix multiplication using MPI_Type_vector and MPI_Type_commit and MPI_Gather
  2. Programming Lab 14A N-Body program, running non-parallel versions, experimenting with the program.
  3. Programming Lab 14B N-Body program, a parallel version.
  4. Programming Lab 15 Conway's Game of Life, or Sharks and Fishes, in parallel.
  5. Programming Lab 16 graphics in parallel - the Mandelbrot set plotted in parallel (this assignment is from 3rd quarter)
  6. Programming Lab Substitute. Write your own parallel programming application(s). Analyze and compare with a serial version. This can substitute for one of the above labs. Construct your own Lab Report Form.
  7. More MPI Labs to substitute for any of the above labs.
  8. 3D Graphics for any of the above labs
  9. Lab Report forms