AI Spring 2009
Constraint Programming

  1. Interim grade adjustments (approx)- A: 80, B+: 66, B: 50, C/C+: 30, D/D+: 20

  2. AI Constraint Solvers web site

  3. Data files

  4. Lab 1, Brute force method of map coloring

  5. Lab 2, Constraint programming - Degree heuristic, minimum remaining values, forward checking

  6. Handouts for Lab 2

  7. Lab 3 - color the map of the US with several different versions of color lists.

  8. Sudoku Puzzle solver
  9. Lab 4 - Solve the 8 Queens chess problem using your constraint programming algorithms from Labs 1-3

  10. Lab 5 - Solve Crypto-arithmetic problems.